Electronic publishing
As a member of Clausthal University of Technology, you have the opportunity to publish your publications on our repository free of charge. All publications are published Open Access in compliance with copyright law. We recommend making the documents available under a Creative Commons license, if this is permitted by copyright law. The collection mandate of the University Library of Clausthal University of Technology includes the storage, cataloging and archiving of all electronic documents published by members of Clausthal University. Details can be found under Guidelines for the Management of the Repository. In order to submit a paper, members of Clausthal University of Technology can register with their RZ account via the author login.
Contact person
For questions regarding the publication of electronic documents, please contact:
Frau Kleinander
E-Mail: dokumente [at] tu-clausthal.de
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-3625
For questions about dissertations, please contact the Dissertation Office:
Ann-Kathrin Koch
E-Mail: dissertation [at] ub.tu-clausthal.de
Phone: +49 (0)5323 72-3625
If you have any questions about technical problems, author advice or Open Access, please contact
Florian Strauß
Phone: 05323 72 2276
E-Mail: florian.strauss [at] tu-clausthal.de
German copyright law applies to all documents posted on the TU Clausthal repository. As an author, you should therefore ensure that you have all rights of publication, use, distribution, duplication and public reproduction before posting your publications. Alternatively, the rights of use must be obtained from the author.