Forced triboelectrification of fine powders in particle wall collisions
Triboelectric separation as an inexpensive and environmentally friendly technique could contribute to material-specific sorting. However, the application as a widespread method is limited due to the complexity of the process. In particle wall collisions, various parameters like collision energy and angle, work function of the contact partners, humidity, surface roughness, etc. influence the particle charging in a hardly predictable way. This study investigates the possibilities of forced triboelectric particle charging by applying an electrical potential to the metal contact partner (copper/steel pipe). The variations included different pipe lengths (0.5 m–3 m), particle materials, and particle sizes for limestone. A distinction is made between the net charge of the particles and the positive, negative, and neutral mass fractions. The work functions of the investigated materials vary from about 3.2 eV to >8.5 eV for glass, limestone, artificial slag, and lithium aluminate particles. With the applied high-voltage potential, the particle net charge can be shifted linearly. For limestone, it is shown that the neutral fraction is highest at the Point of Zero Net Charge (PZNC). This observation may identify an approach for the material selective separation of one target component from a multi-material mixture.
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