Model validation and prediction of photoacoustic tumor detection with LDV

Photoacoustic (PA) imaging enables the detection of tumors with ultrasound sensors. A laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) measures sound waves without contact and may enable non-contact PA imaging (PAI). A successful acquisition with LDV of the PA-signals generated by a tumor irradiated by a pulsed laser depends on several factors: the metrological characteristics of the LDV, the characteristics of the laser pulse as well as the properties of the tumor and of the tissue. In this work, we prove with experiments on tissue-mimicking phantoms the validity of a simulation model based on prior work. We use the validated model to simulate the photoacoustic tumor detection with LDV. Subsequently, we estimate the photoacoustic tumor detection capabilities of a self-designed LDV with the validated model. We derive the limits for the minimal detectable size of tumors for a given depth in tissue. The smallest inclusion detected with our LDV-system on a tissue-mimicking phantom was a sphere with a radius of 200 μm at a depth of 14 mm. With our experimentally validated model, we have predicted the possibility to detect an inclusion in breast tissue with a radius up to approximately 300 μm at a depth of 22 mm.


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